We’re engaged! I am so excited to be sharing our wedding plans, woes and surprises through Hitched. I hope you enjoy following along, and maybe even leave with something. I recommend grabbing a glass of wine, or a Natty Boh, and come along for the ride!
In just five short months I will be marrying the guy that puts up with me more than anyone, pushes me to be my best self and goes along with my crazy ideas. Before I get into the weddingness of everything, I will tell you a little bit about us and how we came to be an “us”. We met three years ago when we were working for the same company. As cliché as it may seem, it was a kind of sort of love at first sight. I tried my hardest to avoid a work relationship, but as we became closer as friends, I continued falling for him. I later found out it was a similar story for him. Dave was born and raised in Southern Maryland. After earning his degree in Graphic Design, Dave moved in with some friends in Federal Hill. I am Baltimore born and raised, those who meet me can normally suspect this by my favorite conversation topic: the Baltimore Ravens.
About six months after we met, we were out at the classiest weekend spot in Baltimore: Power Plant Live. We were having a great night with a group of our friends and dancing to some throwback songs when Dave asked if he could kiss me. I had no response, he took my silence as a yes, and we then heard an applause from all of our friends.

A few weeks later we went on our first official date to the Baltimore Aquarium. For months I had been saying I wanted to go, and I guess he had been listening. We started spending more time together and really enjoyed each other’s company. Fast forward four months to yet again, Power Plant, we were dressed as Buzz Lightyear and Woody (it was around Halloween) when Dave finally said “I love you”. Do you notice a trend? No, we won’t be tying the knot at Power Plant.
As time passed, there were so many occasions when I thought a proposal could happen. In the end, Dave could not have chosen a more perfect time to ask me to marry him. The 4th of July is my favorite holiday, since I love a good summer picnic on the water with our friends and family. I am also a sucker for fireworks. I was especially excited this past year when Dave’s family decided to come along to celebrate America with all of us.

Around 6pm, Dave asked if I wanted to walk down to the pier with some of our friends and take some pictures. As we started walking down the pier he started saying something about our relationship, and I think I blacked out. I honestly only remember at one point saying “Are you kidding me?” as Dave got down on one knee and then I think I said “YES!” I turned around to realize the entire party was standing on the pier behind us, and Dave had arranged for one of our good friends to photograph all of the proposal. My grandmother pushed through the crowd with glasses of champagne and we all celebrated. I couldn’t believe what had just happened, and there was no better time or place for Dave to ask me to marry him.

I spent a few days, well maybe hours, basking in the glow of being newly engaged and jumped right into planning. Within a week we had picked our wedding party, set a date (June 20th), and decided on a venue. It was nice to have these big things finished early so the real planning could begin. In my next post I will be sharing our criteria for a venue, how we asked our wedding party, picking out the important items, searching for a dress, and how we are staying within our budget.

Photos: Arcade & Beach: Leah Adkins: Photographer // Picnic: Cara Liane Photography
Macy is a lifestyle blogger at totravelandbeyond.com. Follow along with her daily shenanigans onTwitter and Instagram.