All photos by Kate Rowe.
I come from a big Irish family, and every year we get together on St. Patrick’s Day Parade weekend. Family travels from out of town to be in Baltimore, and usually my friends will also join in on the fun. In fact, we like to joke that Scot (my fiancé) was first initiated into my family on this weekend four years ago. (We met in 2011 after a Ravens playoff game at Nevin’s, which, if you never went there, was an awesomely bad dive karaoke bar on Cross Street haha.) This year, we began our Saturday with a large group brunch in Federal Hill, and at the end, my cousin suggested that we walk down to the USS Constellation to take some family photos on board. Little did I know that this was all part of a secret plot between her, Scot, and several other friends and family members. We gathered together for a big group family photo, and then my cousin suggested “couples photos.” As Scot and I finished our photo, I started to walk away, but he pulled me back and got down on one knee.
There he was . . . proposing with one of the most beautiful views of the city as our backdrop and with twenty or so of my closest friends and family as witnesses. I was totally floored and, of course, so thrilled!
Afterwards, we adjoined to Tir Na Nog for some celebratory Jameson because obviously that was a fitting way to round out a St. Paddy’s proposal. It was such an incredible moment and beautiful day, and it was so fitting for it to happen on my favorite weekend of the year.