The world of scrapbooking has always been a little overwhelming for me. However, I have always had a passion for paper goods which has convinced me that I need to get over being overwhelmed. One of the things that I think has pushed me over the edge is a beautiful gift from Chadwick’s parents: an exquisite handmade photo album. They bought it for us as part of our engagement gift along with the original receipt from the 1920’s when Chadwick’s grandfather bought his grandmother’s engagement ring. This is the ring that would later become the foundation for the design of my engagement ring: a family heirloom. Wow! Speaking of overwhelming . . . I was so touched!

I have begun to collect memories for the photo album. But, I was just collecting and I had yet to begin to actually put anything in the actual album. My collection has been going quite well. I’ve decided that I want to include all of the wedding memories: all of the planning, projects, pre-wedding celebrations, really anything leading up to the BIG day. So far I have all of the photos from the day we got engaged, our engagement party, and lots of photos from the days we picked all of the raspberries, when we made all of the raspberry jelly favors, my dress fittings, tutu making/fitting, and we have so many more to take of the many other upcoming projects.
I have recently signed up for one of the new online classes offered by A Beautiful Mess, 52 Weeks of Art Journaling, in an effort to get a little more comfortable with this project. I have read through all of the classes and started to incorporate some of the lessons into my project life album (more about that later), which I think will give me more confidence with this wedding album. If you are feeling a little shy about tacking something similar I strongly suggest this class its only $34 and there are sooo, sooo many great ideas. You can sign-up here.

Rebecca is a wedding blogger at too. You can follow along more closely with her planning on Facebook.