The Beginning
Disclaimer: Not every love story starts out with sunshine and rainbows.
Let’s start off by fast forwarding back to 2007. I had just graduated college and started my first “real” job. Bright eyed and beyond enthusiastic I walked into Day 1 and was greeted by my new boss. Wow was he charming, handsome, and . . . umm taken! Bummer. It wasn’t until that moment that I really understood Alanis Morissette’s lyrics that dominated my middle school years: Isn’t it ironic?
Months after putting my nose to the grindstone and living through daily reminders that this great guy was not available, I jumped at a new opportunity. I signed up to go through a new training program offered, even if it did mean a 2 hour commute for a few months. Yeah, I wanted out of there.
Months had passed and I was transitioning well to my new position. I was desperately trying to have fun dating but, no one really got the butterflies going. And unfortunately I kept running into that charming, handsome, unavailable man at work functions and social events. There was just something about him that I couldn’t get out of my mind.
As I was finishing up the training program, I was asked to return to my original office. I just flat out said no. I didn’t think I could survive any more daily reminders. I started at a new office close by and the charming, handsome man and I had a few run-ins at work happy hours. It is then that I discovered that unbeknownst to me the charming, handsome, unavailable man was in fact available. Almost a year after I met him the harbored crush could finally be pursued. The flirting commenced almost immediately and our little love story began with the modern day love letter, email. After four years of more emails, texts, fun, laughs, kisses, love, support, a puppy, and moving in together we are getting married!
He popped the question the day before Thanksgiving last year and after the holidays the planning began. We are few months in and I have learned so much in such a short amount of time. Keep checking back for my monthly updates as we create our Art Deco inspired wedding with our Handmade budget. There will be lots of crafty DIY projects and budget conscious creativity. Hopefully you can take something away from our planning process to inspire your BIG day.