Camp No Counselors’ (CNC) motto is “Play like a kid, party like a grownup.” Which is exactly what we did for a Labor Day weekend bachelorette party. We called our CNC weekend for Maddison, “Camp Wondick” because, well “one dick” for the rest of her life.
Camp No Counselors has dates and locations all over the USA for its summer camps. The bride wanted something different for her bachelorette and I would 10/10 recommend this type of weekend, knowing the following:
- This is a co-ed camp. Activities, bunks and bathrooms are co-ed. We lucked out and were able to score a private cabin for the bachelorette crew. If not, we would have had to shack up with women and men in the heat of summer during a few days of activities and nights of drinking.
- Everything is all-inclusive. All activities, meals and drinks are included during your trip!
- Alcohol is served all day (except during activities). So make sure to pace yourself!
- I repeat, this is a camp. You are in cabins, in the wilderness, with little-to-no cellphone reception. It was amazing to disconnect for a few days and really enjoy what is was like to be a [big] kid.
Indian Head Camp, in Pennsylvania, was a perfect backdrop for the CNC weekend. The campgrounds were immaculate, there was an abundance of activities and the food was delicious.
There are dozens of activities to do during your stay at CNC. Our camp had a lake with a beach and soaking area, a 70 ft. water slide, and boat in addition to your typical camp activities.
Maddison is basically Katniss Everdeen and showed everyone up at archery. We also partook in activities such as: the ropes course, tubing and arts and crafts (my specialty).

Color War and the Apache Relay.
That’s right . . . each person attending camp was given a color (GO GREEN!) and had to choose an activity to partake in. Some chose dodge ball, kickball, flag decorating- and I chose the Lip Sync Battle. The winning team from each activity received points to go towards their starting point of the Apache Relay. By the time the lip sync battle came along, The Green Team was hurting. We pulled through and managed to get our team second place with our rendition of “Wannabe” from The Spice Girls.
However, The Green Team was the last to start the Apache Relay: a 14-point obstacle course where teams compete individually to win. Some obstacles included: a canoe race, running relays (which Maddison destroyed), a cereal eating contest (which I destroyed), three-legged-race, and a MASSIVE slip-n-slide to a flip cup finish.
Each night at Camp No Counselors was a party. The first night we hung out around the camp fire, got introduced to fellow camp goers and participated in drinking games.
The second night was a theme dance party – Netflix and Chill. Some of our ladies went as the Netflix show “GLOW,” and the rest wore cute sweatshirts for “Chilling.”

The third night of camp was a “back to school” party, where we dressed as a baseball team in matching bachelorette shirts.

All in all I would say that this weekend was an absolute blast. It was the perfect bachelorette weekend for a bride like Maddison. There are TONS of things to do and I would highly recommend this if you’re looking for an out-of-the-box idea for a bride. However, keep in mind that if you don’t have the option to get a private cabin, you may be reliving all of your sleep away camp nightmares from childhood. CNC knows how to cater to all types of people and there are activities for the lot.