Welcome back to day two of Holy Muttrimony week! A full week totally dedicated to our colleagues and their very adorable pets. Kicking off our Tuesday spot is Bodie, who belongs to Rachel Robinson, co-owner of Intrinsic Events, a full service management company offering corporate and social event planning as well as wedding planning services. Intrinsic Events may be primarily based here in Baltimore, but execute events all over. – Allie Rosenwasser

Bodie enjoying a cool beverage on a hot day.
- Back in 2010, Rachel made the decision that she wanted to adopt a puppy. She did a lot of research on various breeds, but could not decide which breed to go with because she thought every breed was adorable. While she was trying to decide which type of pup she wanted, her boyfriend Scott went to visit his family down in Williamsburg, VA and fell in love with their family dog Riley. Riley was a black and tan schnoodle (which is half schnauzer/half miniature poodle) they adopted from a breeder in Virginia. Scott raved about her personality and said she was the cutest! He knew that the moment Rachel met Riley that she would want a schnoodle for herself. Well sure enough, the next time she went down to Williamsburg with Scott, she fell in love with Riley and the search for her own black & tan schnoodle began.
- For the next several months, Rachel and Scott searched and searched for the perfect schnoodle breeder in Maryland and were turning up with nothing. After 6 months of searching, Rachel came across a breeder in the middle of Virginia who seemed absolutely perfect. They had a litter that was due in July 2011 and after doing some more investigating, she realized that this was the same breeder Scott’s parents got Riley. It was totally meant to be so she jumped right on it and secured first pick of the litter.
- On September 10, 2011, Rachel and Scott took a 4 hour drive down to Centerville VA and picked up their little Bodie-Bear and have been completely in love ever since.
- There hasn’t been a time in Rachel’s life where she didn’t have some type of pet animal growing up. She has had cats, dogs, fish, and hermit crabs and has loved each and every one of them. Rachel’s parents always treated our pets as parts of the family and this is something Rachel still practices today.
- Rachel and Scott truly believe Bodie thinks he’s a person. Rachel swears if Bodie could speak English he would.
- If Rachel and Scott don’t pay Bodie enough attention especially in the evenings, he will stand in the middle of the room and bark, demanding we play or snuggle with him. There’s never a dull moment when hanging out with Bodie.
- Bodie LOVES to give hugs. And when Rachel says hugs, she means Bodie wraps his arms around your neck and gives you a big bear hug, hence why they sometimes call him “Bodie-Bear.”
- Bodie is named after Preston Broadus “Bodie” from The Wire
- Bodie has tons and tons of nicknames! Bode-Man, Bear, Baby with a Beard, Berenstain Bear, Schnood, Tramp (only because his best friend Keno is a King Charles Cavalier and when they are together they look like Lady & the Tramp), Pancake, Preston Broadus…and the list goes on.
- Bodie is definitely a Ravens fan. Every time the Ravens play he pulls out his jersey and brings it to Rachel and Scott.
- Bodie, like most schnoodles, enjoys running around the house/yard in a circle, race car-like motion which is referred to as the “Schnoodle 500.”
- What Rachel loves about Bodie is his ability to make her smile no matter what. His excitement when I walk in the door instantly puts her in the best mood. She loves that he loves to snuggle. When she’s home, Bodie follows her around like a little shadow. His love for Rachel and everyone he comes into contact with is unconditional. Bodie is the best!