Ivori & Kole
We couldn’t say goodbye to Holy Muttrimony just yet, so we decided let’s do a bonus day! Today, we’d like you to meet Kole, and his superstar event planner mom, Ivori Lipscomb-Warren. Ivori is the Creative Event Officer of Ivori Nicole Events, a wedding + event planning and design boutique based in Maryland (please note Ivori Nicole Events have their passports up to date and ready to travel with their clients! J) To learn more about how Ivori Nicole Events can transform your next fête, visit Ivori’s website for more information. So without further ado, here’s Kole!

Kole, a very distinguished pup
The backstory:
After Ivori lost her cat, Faith, in April 2011, she honestly could not image wanting another pet. Ivori and her husband, Kevin, had Faith since she was a kitten and they had to bottle feed her. After months of Ivori trying to avoid her own home because the memories were too painful to face, coupled with Kevin asking she when she was coming home, Ivori decided that it was time for Kevin to have a pet. At that same time (October 2011), Ivori’s sorority sister posted on Facebook that her pitbull had a liter and Ivori decided to inquire, although due to media, she had always been intimidated by pitbulls. Ivori and Kevin went to visit the seven week old blue nose puppies and while Ivori originally wanted Kole’s red nosed sister – who didn’t pay Ivori any attention – Ivori’s Kole came to her and just laid in her arms. Needless to say, Kole came home with Ivori. Because of Ivori’s love for cats, Ivori and Kevin decided to adopt another pet, a cat named Kloe in January 2012. Both Kole and Kloe love to play with each other and Kloe actually bosses Kole around!
Other fun facts:
o Ivori grew up with both cats and dogs as family, not as pets, so she was always used to having their unconditional love.
o Kole is spoiled, stubborn, smart, manipulative, and a great actor – see “play possum” below…
o Kole knows when Ivori and Kevin call the doggie daycare because at the moment they ask if daycare has room and give Kole’s name, Kole runs to his bed, climbs in, and immediately falls asleep (which includes loud snoring!). He miraculously wakes up after the drop off time has come and gone.
o Kole gives unconditional love, is a protector (he will stay up until both Ivori and Kevin are home at night), is a nurse (will lay with you when we are sick), and wipes Ivori’s tears when she cries.
The best thing about Ivori & Kole’s relationship:
Although Ivori originally adopted Kole for her husband, she says Kole is very much her “baby.” Kevin often jokes that she stole his dog. However, Kole is just protective of his mommy and is her consummate shadow.
Kole, a very distinguished pup
The backstory:
After Ivori lost her cat, Faith, in April 2011, she honestly could not image wanting another pet. Ivori and her husband, Kevin, had Faith since she was a kitten and they had to bottle feed her. After months of Ivori trying to avoid her own home because the memories were too painful to face, coupled with Kevin asking she when she was coming home, Ivori decided that it was time for Kevin to have a pet. At that same time (October 2011), Ivori’s sorority sister posted on Facebook that her pitbull had a liter and Ivori decided to inquire, although due to media, she had always been intimidated by pitbulls. Ivori and Kevin went to visit the seven week old blue nose puppies and while Ivori originally wanted Kole’s red nosed sister – who didn’t pay Ivori any attention – Ivori’s Kole came to her and just laid in her arms. Needless to say, Kole came home with Ivori. Because of Ivori’s love for cats, Ivori and Kevin decided to adopt another pet, a cat named Kloe in January 2012. Both Kole and Kloe love to play with each other and Kloe actually bosses Kole around!
Other fun facts:
o Ivori grew up with both cats and dogs as family, not as pets, so she was always used to having their unconditional love.
o Kole is spoiled, stubborn, smart, manipulative, and a great actor – see “play possum” below…
o Kole knows when Ivori and Kevin call the doggie daycare because at the moment they ask if daycare has room and give Kole’s name, Kole runs to his bed, climbs in, and immediately falls asleep (which includes loud snoring!). He miraculously wakes up after the drop off time has come and gone.
o Kole gives unconditional love, is a protector (he will stay up until both Ivori and Kevin are home at night), is a nurse (will lay with you when we are sick), and wipes Ivori’s tears when she cries.
The best thing about Ivori & Kole’s relationship:
Although Ivori originally adopted Kole for her husband, she says Kole is very much her “baby.” Kevin often jokes that she stole his dog. However, Kole is just protective of his mommy and is her consummate shadow.