Dear Control Freak, I know how you feel. Planning a wedding for the past year and a half has been a true test of how controlling I really can be and also how freaky I really can be.I am now less than a week away from our wedding day and everything has come together. All of the To Do lists have been checked off, all of the money has been paid and all of my heart is filled with joy.

All photographs by Photography by Byron.
The other day my good friend said to me “Wow, it’s the final countdown and you’ve been pretty chill the whole time. You haven’t needed to vent or freak out”. I took that as a compliment. The journey to get here wasn’t as crazy of a roller coaster as I was told it would be. But I will say, as a generally stress free person, I felt some stress.

Some tips for the stressed control freak:
– Breathe: A wise man once told me a deep breath goes a long way
– Yoga: Yoga is all about breathing, relaxing, stretching and being aware of your mind and body
– Forget: Go out and have some fun, forget the planning for a weekend
– Vent: Your bridesmaids are there for you to vent to over the small things and the big things
– Be aware: Just be aware. Be aware that this day is about you and your fiancé, no body else. At the end of the day, the decisions are up to the two of you.I am an organizer at heart, some may say this makes me a control freak. I think I have worked faster than my vendors could keep up. This may have also offended my family and friends as I didn’t request much help, if any. But trust me, I’ve got my bases covered.
Here are some tips for the non control freak who is looking to cover all their bases:
– Know your guests: Know their names and how to spell them, be aware of food restrictions
– Know your vendors: Understand that your vendors are all trying to make the day perfect for you, be aware of what things they will need from you
– Know your photography: Be aware of an ugly microphone stand that is going to show up in your photos, of your guests taking photos during the ceremony with an obnoxious flash or their giant iPad being held up which will then show in your professional photos
– Know the little details: Does your mother in law love coffee? Does your grandmother need a handicap entrance? Did your cousin used to date your best friend so they can’t sit near each other?
– Be aware: Just be aware. The people you are inviting are the most important people in your life that you have chose to spend the day celebrating with you. I hope you would know how to spell their name and if they’re allergic to fish. And if you don’t, just ask.
I am not even lying when I say that everyone I have come across during wedding planning has been wonderful. All the vendors I spoke to were excited and willing to help instantly.