Despite what it may feel like sometimes, my wedding is not the center of my world. In fact lately, I haven’t really paid much attention to the fact I’m getting married. Several friends have pointed at that I’m nearing the four month mark and it doesn’t even feel like it. The timing worked out that this year in addition to getting married, we are buying our first house. We are officially homeowners as of a couple weeks ago and that has taken the main focus the last few months.
I sometimes feel guilty that I haven’t been paying much attention to getting ready for the wedding or that items on my wedding to do list aren’t checked off yet. I know in the grand scheme of things the wedding is one day, but our marriage is forever. A thing like buying our first home together is a big deal that needed its own time and attention. Now, I wouldn’t really choose to be doing both in the same year. One reason is financially and the other is time. But that is just how the timing of our relationship has worked out and that’s okay.
Trying to stay on top of everything needed has become a main source of my stress. I like to think of myself as a pretty organized and on top of things person. I try my hardest not to procrastinate, but sometimes things just get pushed to the side. My hopes are that with the house buying over with, we can dedicate more time to the wedding. Another part of me knows that we still need to paint the new place and move which will take up a lot of time in the next couple of months. Just the general things in life like work, family, friends, chores, traveling, and other responsibilities may also get in the way. Even though these are good things to have going on, trying to balance everything is something I’m struggling with. I know that even though things may slow down a little bit, I won’t ever feel I have enough time to do everything.
I’m not sure of the best advice to give brides planning their wedding and trying to find time to do it all because I’m not very good at it. I have a binder, lists, tasks, and people like my mom who have helped out so much. I’m trying to be grateful for what I do have and the fact that I can have a wedding at all is a blessing. “Breathe Jade, breathe!” If everything doesn’t get done, the fact that I’m marrying a great guy at the end of the day should be enough. I’m sure some people might think back and say, “I should have done this or we could have done this differently” but what’s going to happen will happen. Letting go of my need to control everything and make it all perfect is what I should be working on. A quote I heard a while back has stuck with me; “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” I think I need to keep repeating this to myself until the wedding. Until next month!