*an occasional series about marriage proposals*
Beth and I met back in 2012. Baltimore, specifically the Inner Harbor, has held a big part of our relationship. We would spend so much time down there, no matter where we lived. We would always talk about where we would get engaged or have engagement pictures, but it was also the least suspecting place in my mind.
Over the last year or so I had been pressuring Beth to give me hints of when we would get engaged and in July/August I saw a picture on Facebook where both of our full names (Elizabeth and Katherine) were listed as getting engaged in 2017. After sending it to her, I was immediately told that it wasn’t possible this year, financially it wasn’t going to work out.
Fast forward to September, after having an absolutely horrible day at work, I left early and decided I wasn’t going in on Friday. I got to the car and called Beth and she said she was too tired to talk. I was furious and upset but little did I know what was really happening. At the same time, Beth was rushing back to our apartment in Baltimore from Smyth Jewelers in Ellicott City to make sure she was there before me. With minutes to spare she made it home, hid the ring, and jumped in bed just as I opened the door.
All week we had talked about going to the harbor in the afternoon for the Baltimore Book Festival because I am such a book worm. I had thrown off her plans to prepare by taking the entire day off and in pure Katie fashion I was running late to everything we had planned but I figured nothing was happening so it was fine.
We went to an early dinner and started walking the Harbor where I would stop every few minutes to look at another book stand. I was so interested in the books that when Beth wanted to stop and listen to the band playing I really resisted. It wasn’t until later that I realized I was walking too quickly to the spot Beth had picked out.
Eventually we made our way down the harbor to the exact pier Beth wanted to walk on. I resisted again because I didn’t think we should go on them. We were all alone but she was insisting on taking a picture. We took a couple of pictures and were standing there for a bit.

Suddenly Beth started grabbing both of my hands, which never happens. I kept pulling them away because it wasn’t natural. I told her unless she was proposing she needed to stop grabbing both of my hands. In that moment I saw her eyes and realized what was about to happen.
She got down on one knee and I lost it. I can’t remember what she said but she had hired an amazing photographer, Love to the Core Photo, to capture that moments leading up to the happiest day of our life so far. Needless to say it was perfect!
If you have a great proposal story, email us at: [email protected], subject line: POP THE QUESTION