*an occasional series about marriage proposals*
My fiancé and I had been together since 2009. We got engaged in July 2017. That’s a LONG time to wait for a ring. I’m a huge beach bum & when I was growing up my grandparents had a beach house in Ocean City on 142nd Street. Unfortunately when they passed away we had to sell the house and I was heart broken. Luckily we still know people at the condo and we can still rent on that street.
While down at the beach for a mini vacation in July, Chadd had made plans with some friends who live in Salisbury. My girlfriend Jenna took me out shopping while Chadd and Jenna’s boyfriend Pat set the scene. I had NO clue! I had obviously thought well MAYBE it will happen this week but he kept telling me I was getting my hopes up.

Once Jenna and I arrived back at 142nd Street after a few hours of shopping, she told me Pat and Chadd were on the beach, which was not unusual for the two of them. So we started up to the beach. As we’re walking up the street I look at Jenna and tell her I really hoped Chadd was going to propose this week, but I really didn’t think it would happen.
Little did I know I was walking right into it. We crossed the dunes, Chadd took my hand down a candle lit path and into a heart on the sand outlined with candles! He used the lifeguard stand and even had roses for me. He made sure someone caught it on video and even hired a photographer.

It was the best moment of my life, and of our relationship thus far. I was so surprised and so happy. I didn’t even realize we had the entire beach watching us and cheering for us until AFTER it happened!
If you have a great proposal story, email us at: [email protected], subject line: POP THE QUESTION.