Happy New Year, Friends! If you’re like me, January is usually spent dutifully crafting gym resolutions (seriously, you look fabulous) or slowly crawling out of holiday-induced hibernation. However this January, Will and I kicked off the New Year by kicking up our wedding planning into high gear. Our resolution is to be married by the end of 2017, and for that to happen, a lot of work needs to get done. So, this explains how last week I found myself in the early morning hours, cheeks stinging from wind burn, fingers throbbing from freezing temps, looking out on a patch of snow-covered earth contemplating the costs of outdoor plumbing. Isn’t love wonderful.
So how did we get here? Well, when we started planning we didn’t know much but we knew a few things for certain. First, we knew that while we met and were engaged in DC, the wedding was happening in Baltimore. In addition to being my home and my heart, this crazy beautiful city has so much to offer with its breathtaking water views, unbelievable local cuisine, and endearing weirdness you can only find in Baltimore. There is a reason we call it, “Charm City” and I couldn’t imagine getting married anywhere else. Will and I also knew we wanted our wedding to be reflective of us as a couple (phrase trademarked by Pinterest) with a formal yet fun atmosphere. So with our location in place, and our vision in sight, we set out on a mission to find a wedding venue. Whew, and what a mission it was. After several weeks of searching for the right wedding venue here is what I learned . . . there are a lot of rules. Like a lot of rules, you guys. Rules about outside caterers, rules about inside décor, rules about linens and liquor and the list goes on and on. I swear I even read a rule about the usage of specific type of confetti (ok, that one I get). After an exhaustive search, at some truly amazing locations, we still hadn’t found the one for us. Then one night punch drunk on excitement (and possibly some wine) we had this crazy idea, what if we create our own wedding venue? And well friends, that’s exactly what we’re doing.
For now, we’re keeping the location under wraps until we’re closer to the wedding date. However if you know your Baltimore landmarks, you can check out our save-the-date for a hint. Speaking of which, how awesome is this save-the-date! Many thanks to our incredibly talented friend John Baker, of Common Wombat Studio, for his artwork. I went to John a few months back with an idea, and a very bad napkin doodle, and he was able to bring it to life in such an amazing way.
And now that the wedding is a few months away I hope you don’t mind hearing from me more often. As we head into the New Year, I’m filled with a sense of gratitude for the journey and excitement for what’s ahead. 2017 is going to be a wonderful year.