The older I get, the more I learn about myself. Over the years I’ve become more self-confident, extremely self-aware (in a good way), and I’ve learned that I’m not a huge fan of people—although that’s been a trait since I was a child. Nothing sends that last point home like being the center of attention at a bridal shower.
My mom, above, and her sisters were loving enough to host a bridal shower for me last weekend. Everyone came together to create a menu, purchase favors, and decorate beautifully. I must admit that I have never been one to desire such an event that’s all about me, but I felt the love in the room and it was nice.
This shower really brought out something in me that I thought I knew about myself but wasn’t sure how intense it was. I have terrible anxiety, so being the focal point of everyone’s attention was a living hell. There were pictures being snapped left and right, people were fussing over my drinks and whether or not I ate, it was all very . . . overwhelming. Don’t get me wrong, I thought it was a really beautifully put together event, but I learned that it’s definitely not my speed.
I did receive some really great gifts. My favorite was from my little cousin, it was the most thoughtful thing ever. It was a basket full of goodies including wine, face masks, candles, bath bombs, and an edible thong. I wish you all could’ve seen my grandmother’s face when I opened that up—highlight of the day!
Something else that isn’t my speed, caring about where people sit at the reception. Joe and I finished our seating chart earlier this week and let me tell you, it’s more annoying that finalizing the guest list. You have to make sure that certain people aren’t near one another because of some weird drama that doesn’t involve you. You also have to think about who makes sense sitting with each other.
Want to know what I learned from that experience? That I don’t give a damn about people’s feelings and where they want to sit. Does it really matter? I mean the only reason we are doing a seating chart is because I seemed to have invited every person I know with a food allergy and we need to make it easier on the venue.
Now that those things are out of the way, we are patiently (impatiently) waiting for the big day to arrive. In the meantime, I’ll be working on thank you notes for the bridal shower because apparently that’s something that I HAVE to do.