Brian and I have been well “Brian and Jessie,” since December 2 nd, 2005. We met as sophomores in high school at St. Paul’s Schools in Brooklandville. And if I am to be perfectly honest from the beginning to end of my wedding planning and blogging, we first talked in an AOL chat room. Yes, we met on AIM as “sphockey” and “hendrixs08.” Weeks later, we met in person at a Halloween party, this time as a football player and a cowgirl. It wasn’t until December, when we spent one of those awkward Friday night group dates ice skating at Northwest Ice Rink, that we were finally just Brian and Jessie. In the middle of the slow skate – you know the one where they lower the disco ball and play a romantic slow jam by Enrique Iglesias – Brian asked me to go on a date. I was concentrating so hard not to topple over on the ice as I excitedly said yes and hugged him.
We were only sophomores, but he already had his license and a car. Obviously, he was a catch. Not to mention he made me not one, but two mix CDs of country music. I should have known then on that ice rink and later that night listening to those CDs that this relationship was going to be special.
On our first date, ironically enough, we went to see the movie Just Friends. Almost nine years later, Brian and I are clearly meant to be more than just friends. We have had the pleasure of growing up together, and we are now both very different than the fifteen-year-old Jessie and the sixteen-year-old Brian who first chatted on AIM, skated around the ice rink, and went to Regal Theatres every Friday night for a dinner and movie date. After attending the same high school, followed by the same college, James Madison University, and starting our careers together, I feel with absolute certainty every day that we are soulmates.
So, given our nearly nine-year past, its safe to say our friends have been placing bets for years on when Brian would pop the question. Literally, dates were predicted, and I am fairly certain money may have exchanged hands at one point. Luckily for me (and for our friends, too), the way he popped the question was worth the wait. Thanks to Brian’s stellar planning and the fabulous Teri Pozniak, I can do way better than tell you how he proposed- I can show you.

The plan was drinks, followed by dinner in Fells Point. I was told we were celebrating Brian and another friend’s birthdays. At the last minute our friends “cancelled” on drinks, but Brian and I were already dressed and so we went anyway. At the time I thought what poor planning on my friends part to not be back in time. Little did I know it was all a part of Brian’s proposal plan. After a couple cocktails at Bond Street Social we walked across the Bond Street Wharf to dinner.
As we began to reminisce about our relationship a giddy tingly sensation came over me – you know the kind you feel in anticipation just moments before inexplicable happiness and joy fills your heart. Suddenly Brian was down on one knee. There was a gorgeous ring on my finger…and a clicking noise in my ears.
In the midst of my happiness I had not seen the photographer crouching, with ninja like skills no more than 30 feet away. I turned around to see Teri Pozinak of tPoz Photography hiding under a sign capturing the entire proposal. Well done Brian, and well done Teri!
Following the proposal, we enjoyed a photo shoot around the Fells Point waterfront as a newlynewly engaged couple. Meanwhile a group of our friends from high school sat, waiting and watching at Waterfront Kitchen. I was so amazed to walk into the restaurant, and see my closest friends. Once again, well done Brian.
So, now that we are officially engaged (and I no longer need to hide my elaborate collection of Pinterest wedding items), the fun starts, right? But oh wait! We first have to find a venue. And what about the colors? And omigosh will we have a band or a DJ? All I know right now is that when the day comes, it will be the happiest time of my life. I can’t wait to be with my family and friends as I make a commitment to the man of my dreams . . . plus there will be cake! – Jessica Hendrick