When Matt and I went to ask our friends to be in our bridal party I was reminded of that difference. I spent hours, OK, more like weeks, thinking about the best way to ask my friends to be in the wedding. I took so long, that it was getting awkward as people kept asking if I had a bridal party yet. To me, this was the first creative aspect of wedding planning and I was excited to do something special for my friends. Matt, on the other hand, basically brought it up to the guys at an O’s game or in the middle of a crowded bar/concert. One of his friends told me that Matt basically said, “So, you’re in the wedding…” not giving much of an option or question. Oh boys . . . !
Before I carry on, I should mention I have 12, yes t-w-e-l-v-e bridesmaids. Call me crazy, but oh well. Each of these 12 girls has had a huge role in my life and has helped shape me to be the person I am today. It was very important to me to have every single one of them in the wedding. From girls I played softball with in middle school, met in my sorority in college, studied abroad with, interned and then lived with in DC, and of course members of both of our families, they have all molded me in so many positive ways and I needed all 12 of them.
So, back to how I asked them . . . one of my favorite toys as a kid was a surprise ball. They sold them at the Land of Make Believe in Hudson, Ohio where I grew up and I always got one when we were allowed to pick out one thing at the store. As you carefully unravel the crepe paper, small trinkets are unveiled along the way with a larger prize in the middle. I immediately knew I wanted make these for the girls BUT then, of course, the internet exposed me to so many other ideas! I was torn . . . so I decided to mix it up a bit and do some surprise balls and some custom cookies.
Making the surprise balls was such a fun walk down memory lane . . . I laughed and cried thinking about various stories from the past with each of these girls. I put in some funny items like sunscreen since we’re getting married at the beach (more on that later), nautical earrings, lots of Sticky Grams (Instagrams made into small magnets) of our fun times together, college memorabilia, mini Steelers umbrellas and footballs since I have some die hard football fans like myself, and I even found an old note one of my best friends wrote me in middle school that I folded up and included in hers. After the girls would be done unwrapping the surprise ball (which was a clear plastic holiday ornament), inside was a “Will you be my Bridesmaid” cookie from the talented Miss Lizzy Cakes!
One of my favorite cookie designers is Miss Lizzy Cakes out of New York. I’ve worked with her in the past on creating some great custom cookies, so I knew we needed to team up again. When it came to family members in the wedding, I had her create a calendar cookie, a champagne bottle with 2014 on it, flowers, and a dress which somewhat mimic the Lula Kate bridesmaid dresses I have my eye on.
I saw these adorable cards from First Snow Fall on Etsy and knew I needed to use them!
I worked with Sweet Kiera on creating some cookies that matched the cards. She wrapped them up in this adorable kraft paper box and the cookies were so good, thankfully she sent me extra! The style reminded me so much of my friend Lauren, so she got these cookies:
Asking all of the girls to be in the wedding was one of my favorite aspects of planning thus far. I’m so glad that they will all be a special part of our day and it was great reflecting back on our friendships as I carefully constructed asking each one of them. I’m just as excited for the guys as well and hope they aren’t too bummed Matt didn’t make them a surprise ball.
Oh yah.. they all said yes (and I got some great picture text messages/Instagram notifications saying so!)