Coming from a horse racing family, I often find myself speaking in platitudes born on the racetrack. “Make sure you’re tied on!” I once called back to my fiancé, Dhruv, as we headed through rough break on our kayak. He had no idea what I was talking about.
It’s something my mom has said to me since I was a little girl; meaning, make sure you have a good hold of that horse you’re on! Since we moved to Guam, I’ve missed horses terribly, but it hasn’t weakened my grip on the vernacular.
But there’s one racetrack phrase that practically everyone knows – especially every bride. We’re heading down the homestretch!
And we certainly are. Dhruv and I are getting married on July 5 th. That’s just over two months away – something I’m frequently reminded of when friends and family ask, “How’s the wedding planning going?”
My answer? Ok, I think.
I haven’t had any pre-wedding meltdowns. No panicky moments in which I realized I’ve forgotten something important. No tearful episodes after I buckle under the stress. No worrying that I’ve backed the wrong horse.
That’s how they portray wedding planning in the movies, right? I mean, we all know and love Father of the Bride. But is that really how it’s supposed to be?
I credit my laid back fiancé, my supportive family and friends, and my wonderful wedding planners for my cushioned arrival to this point, so close to the wedding.
hen I needed advice, I knew who to turn to. When I was indecisive (about pretty much everything), my wedding planners were patient. When I had to corner poor Dhruv to make adown-to-the-wire decision after he was exhausted from a long day at work, he acquiesced.
Without them, I’d probably be pulling my hair out. Instead, I feel like I’m hitting my stride.
Yet, in spite of all these lovely people that have given me a leg up and made my life easier, I’m still skeptical that I’ve been spared from the stress. So, I’m waiting. Waiting for a late scratch, some unexpected bump in the road. A wardrobe malfunction, an uninvited guest, a last minute cancellation.
Just like horse racing, anything’s possible when it comes to the high-stakes game of wedding planning. Here’s to hoping I can sit chilly, no matter what comes our way.